Find us on the 1st floor at 1101 Seymour St, 28 weeks per year on Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-4pm, and for women and gender diverse people, 10-12pm on Thursday. We provide one grocery bag per person, with a range of produce, protein, hygiene items, and dairy, to choose from. People living with HIV who live with their children may be eligible for additional bags. Click here for the 2024 Grocery Schedule.
October Grocery Items
Cornmeal is always available as one of our Grocery items. Please connect with one of the Grocery team members if you cannot find cornmeal!
October 1, 2 and 3
Instant Oatmeal, Peanut Butter / Jam, Macaroni and Cheese / Rice, Luncheon Meat or substitute and Laundry Detergent or Body Wash
October 8, 9 and 10
Soup, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Ravioli / Canned Vegetables and Cooking Oil
October 15, 16 and 17
Canned Fish or substitute, Rice, Canned Beans / Chickpeas, Macaroni & Cheese and Corn
Ribbon Grocery
Food is a huge part of culture, community, and wellness. With the Supplementary Grocery Program, our goal is to increase access to healthy, culturally appropriate food for people in our community. To help meet this goal, we have a client advisory committee that meets regularly to provide input, and an annual survey. In addition to providing access to food, Supplementary Grocery offers personal hygiene items, and an opportunity to connect with other programs and services. In this program, clients are able to select from a variety of goods, chosen through consultations with clients. Items include protein options, cereal, personal care items, and fresh produce.
Who can access this program?
People living with HIV can access the Grocery program. Case Managers, or a registered health care provider, can confirm your eligibility.
When coming to Grocery, please keep in mind our goal of offering a safe and respectful space. Please help us make Ribbon welcoming to everyone in our communities by challenging stigma, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and other forms of violence.
Thank You
Volunteers contribute hundreds of hours each year to make this program possible. Volunteer roles include picking up food items, receiving deliveries, welcoming clients to the space, and accompanying clients as they shop the space.
The Grocery Program is made possible with significant financial contributions from a BC Community Grant and Vancouver Coastal Health. Individual donors, including funds housed at the Vancouver Foundation, corporate donors, in-kind donations, and ongoing relationships with local food security organizations including the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, make this program possible.
To support the Grocery Program as a volunteer or donor, get in touch with our Executive Director calling 604-696-4655 or emailing [email protected].
- Financial donations can be made online anytime.
- See our volunteer opportunities available now.
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