Ribbon Community was founded as AIDS Vancouver, and incorporated as the Vancouver AIDS Society on August 4, 1983 under the Society Act of British Columbia (S-18380). In March 2024, we legally changed our name to Ribbon Community Society. We are Ribbon for short.

Our governance process is regulated by the BC Societies Act and our constitution and bylaws that have been developed over years. We are currently working towards updating these processes to better reflect our values.

Members (defined by the Societies Act) are an important part of Ribbon's legal governance process.

Ribbon Community Society's members participate in governance by electing the board of directors at the Society's Annual General Meeting each fall, Special General Meetings as set out in the bylaws, and monitoring the Board of Directors. Society memberships are free, and based on the bylaws, they need to be renewed every year.

Our Annual General Meeting includes the presentation of an annual report on the organization's work, and our audited financial statements.

Membership in the Society is open to anyone that supports the mission and vision of Ribbon Community. Membership is free. If you are interested in further details or would like to become a member please contact us at 604-893-2201. 

You do not need to be a member to access programs and services at Ribbon Community.